(serves 10 - 12)
1 oz unsalted butter, melted; more for the pan
8 oz Italian wafer cookies good quality
9 oz semisweet chocolate, chopped
1.5 tsp pure vanilla extract
pinch salt
3.5 cups heavy cream
Butter a 9” springform pan.
Grind the cookies in a food processor till they resemble wet sand. Should make about 1 3/4 cups. Transfer to a small bowl and mix in the butter. Spread the crumbs in the pan, cover with plastic wrap, and press evenly into the bottom. Refrigerate.
Combine the chocolate, 1/2 tsp vanilla, and the salt in a large bowl. In a small saucepan, bring 3/4 cup of cream to a bare simmer. Pour the cream over the chocolate, let sit for 1 minute. Then whisk till smooth. Cover and refrigerate for about 30 minutes to cool.
Beat 1.5 cups of cream in a medium bowl with electric mixer on medium-high speed to stiff peaks, about 2 minutes. Whisk the chocolate mixture to loosen it, and fold into the whipped cream with a large silicone spatula until no streaks remain.
Carefully peel the plastic wrap off the crust and scrape the mousse into the pan gently spreading it to the edges. Cover and chill for at least 6 hours and up to 2 days.
Just before serving beat the other 1.5 cups whipping cream and 1 tsp vanilla in a medium bowl to medium stiff peaks. Run a knife around the pie to loosen it’s edges and then remove from the side of the pan. Slide a spatula under the crust and transfer to a serving plate. Mound the whipping cream over the mousse and top with chocolate curls, shards or shavings.
To serve dip a knife in hot water and dry it before slicing